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Just Finished Steroids and Coughing Again

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I've had a dry coughing for 5 weeks and meds aren't working. Could my Parkinson'due south exist causing the cough?


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Sayeeda Hashmi

November 15, 2016

I have exactly the same symptoms like Cathy for about a year. A course of inhalers didn't help, merely a course of steroids stopped the cough for about a month and so the same symptoms returned and am still enduring them. Nothing seems to help. Help!

Janice Clarkson

November 15, 2016

"When a coughing just won't go away"….I automatically think of lung cancer! That is exactly what happened to my sis and quondam spouse. A elementary chest ten-ray tin tell if there is a mass in the lungs.

Monique Tello, Physician, MPH

November 15, 2016

Aye, and this certainly needs to be considered and ruled out in everyone with chronic cough.

Karen Betman

Nov 16, 2016

Cancer in the lung must be a quarter of an inch in bore in order to be seen on a breast film.
By this time, MILLIONS of cancer cells accept been released. A cat scan scan tin detect cancer of the lung more accurately.
Karen Betman
Former supervisor of pulmonary lab at NY Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center
Smoking cessation instructor for over 32 years

Maureen nzilani

Nov 15, 2016

I have been coughing for 8months now ,accept seen many md's but no help .mine is from throat and it's a bit wet, am only worried what next to do.advise pls.

Monique Tello, Doctor, MPH

November 15, 2016

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide medical advice specific to your instance in this venue; it is always all-time to see your ain doctors. If the ones yous have seen have been unhelpful, the best adjacent step is to ask for another stance. I wish y'all the all-time.

Mayur Chavan

November fifteen, 2016

Hi Team,

Good to read blog's on Cough my self facing Chronic cough trouble peculiarly in Diwali and Cold season i recollect it is due to dry whether but it is so loftier that i cannot say what i am facing in diwali and cold season so you lot have some tips to cure this

Monique Tello, Md, MPH

Nov 15, 2016

More often than not, we advise people to wash their hands oftentimes and especially after they have been out in public. This helps to curb upper respiratory infections.

mimi Filer

Nov 15, 2016

Why has no one mentioned fungus in the airway ?
Sounds like it could be a cause many times.

Monique Tello, Dr., MPH

Nov xv, 2016

Atypical bacteria and fungi can certainly cause chronic cough, but these are non that common in otherwise healthy people. These would be among the rarer things to be considered in the concluding pace higher up.

Anthony Huang

November xiv, 2016

"Low body temperature" is one of the common causes of coughing. Of course "low trunk temperature" triggers sputum secretion and cough varies individually.
After excluding all other causes, continue trunk warm plus cough suppressants will gradually cure chronic cough.
This method works for me and my patients.

Monique Tello, Dr., MPH

November 15, 2016

Yep, warm drinks tin can soothe an irritated airway and aid to clear mucous.

ilana zinguer

Nov 14, 2016

It took more than than three months to disappear. My medecin was articulate, information technology will go by itself, I was dubitative considering my voice was changing, feeble and unrecognisable besides the cough. Since I had no other symptoms, I could eat, I could swallow, speak, no hurting but an unbearable dryness…Information technology desappeared past itself. I suspected a psychological situation very tense. I paid attention to that . This special attention (my own care equally I could understand).
I tin say now that I worried and my doc was then certain of himself. But he had no explanation for the phenomenon.

Monique Tello, Doc, MPH

Nov 15, 2016

I am glad that you are feeling improve.

Tom Morgan

November xiv, 2016

I'm not surprised to discover the aim of this article is "but" treating the symptoms. As our trained elite, specially hither in a first world state, you follow the expected path of: you showroom this therefore you demand (or dare I say) "we'll try that" (big pharma can fill in the blank).
I'yard curious if our elite system of doctoring will ever delve into the toxic soup (to varying degrees, of form) in which nosotros live and might be the cause of the symptom? Then many of these symptoms could be (likely are) environmental.
When you're stumped you go for more expensive procedures merely even so may not become at the cause.
Surely, I'k an inexperienced person who has only managed l years breathing air. Simply, this article scared me.
It seems the investigative "doctoring" practices seemed to exist lost in the equation. At least in this brusque article.
Replaced with searching for a code of "diagnosis" so "treatment" and then payday. Rinse repeat.

David Coonrod

November 14, 2016

Tom Morgan, you're stupid.
David Coonrod

Monique Tello, Dr., MPH

November 15, 2016

I respect your opinion! I agree with you that the commenter below used inappropriate language and will ask the moderators to remove that. .

John G. langdon, Thou.D., FACP

November 14, 2016

A syndrome noted widely recently is the"100 mean solar day cough". A lot of u.s. docs have had it and it is a light cough that produces modest amounts of articulate to white mucous. No sore throat, no fever , no zilch and so one twenty-four hour period it simply goes away. Mayhap an intracellular virus that eventually is handled by the immune system? Beats me. I am an internist in Florida and my brother is an internist in Omaha. Only every bit y'all are thinking you need a workup it's gone. what exercise you remember. JL

Monique Tello, Medico, MPH

November 15, 2016

You know, it may be chronic cough due to this new hypothesis, the "aggravated nerves and airway dysfunction" brought on past whatever the original irritant was. This is yet an area of investigation though.

Russell Due west. Currier DVM

November 14, 2016

I read in JAMA decades ago in a series of 'Ask the Skilful' columns that excessive ethanol drinkable consumption tin can result in chronic cough even later decision-making for cigarette smoking that is obvious. Determining how much someone drinks is sometimes very problematic. Russell Currier DVM

Especially if they're a dog or cat, right Dr. DVM?

Monique Tello, MD, MPH

November 15, 2016

Yes, many people aren't fix or willing to divulge how much they really drink, this is true. I can see where excessive alcohol could contribute to cough through several mechanisms, including acrid reflux and aspiration.

Pedro Ernesto Vargas, MD

November 14, 2016

Interesting short review of causes of persistent coughing. In my experience down here in a tropical country as Panama, persistent coughing is associated more often than suspected to Mycoplasma pneumonia respiratory infection.

Monique Tello, Doctor, MPH

Nov 15, 2016

Yes, this is definitely a common cause of cough, though agile mycoplasma infection is less likely to be the crusade a cough lasting over eight weeks. Peradventure information technology triggers reactive airways or aggravates nerve endings.

My coughing is chronic and productive . It'due south mail nasal drip and cough with clear sticky coughed upward . Coughing stops for a while and so starts again . Erstwhile I have mint hot tea which calms the coughing for a while .,it'southward also started with fume , perfume and other scents and common cold air

http://world wide

November 13, 2016

I love your ideas and knowledge. Delight I similar to subscribe your newsletters. Thanks.

Monique Tello, MD, MPH

November 15, 2016

I would suggest a visit to your doc for an evaluation.

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